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Funky Suspense

The Lounge

Groovy Hip Hop



Sunday, 2024-02-18

Village Vanguard, New York

Tuesday, 2024-05-21

Las Vegas

Saturday, 2024-06-15

Birdland, New York

Tuesday, 2024-08-06

Blue Note, Tokio

Monday, 2024-08-26

Ronnie Scott's, London

The Jazz Observer

"Whenever she broke into song I sank back happily into my seat and let her artistry seduce me into a state of bliss."

Jazz Beyond Jazz

"Her performances are always imbued with bluesy, personal warmth."

NPR Jazz

"She effortlessly melds her own sophisticated style with the roots of gospel and blues. Restrained, but explosive. Strongly recommended!"


"A blend of maturity, security and natural beauty — the most glamorous sight in the city she has chosen to call home."